"He would have been very concerned that for once the whole ex-JW community would unite and support Barbara. Had that happened there would have been thousands actively planning and working to advertise the well researched, peer reviewed article from the Baylor University."
I sincerely doubt that one of the "Governing Body", a "Star in the right hand of Christ", a "Brother of Christ" chosen to "co-rule" in heaven gave a rat's ass about what Barbara has to say. Can you get any closer to God? We are deluding ourselves if we think they are of a mindset to even care about the attack of an apostate.
"He must be delighted that a few have been able to dampen the enthusiasm of so many. So much so, that many are not even thinking of what they can do with what they have been given. All they are thinking of is: it did not live up to their expectations."
What we have been given? Is it new light or something? That's a pretty wishful and unrealistic appraisal if you ask me. Time will tell if this has impact, or if in fact it holds water. Some of us were quick to jump onto the ideas served us by the F&DS without any quality thought. If we had applied our thinking ability the way we are now, we might never have ended up in this mess.
The fact is, not all of us have been negatively effected by the blood issue. Its not a call to arms, its an opinion and an legally untested one. If it is valid we will recognize it when we see it. It will take someone in the position of having a legitimate grievance to go for thier throats. If this helps, bravo!
"What great support for Ted and the WBTS."
Caution and acting with discernment has never been a supprot for Ted and the WBTS. You should be able to discern that. Shall we resort to simplistic accuasations about those who are not prone to knee jerk optimism?
When there is a clarion call to action based on proven information, there will be a response.